To lay it all out there, oh it most certainly wouldn't be boring, but would you accept me????
What If I just spilled it all, the ugly truth that has been my life? I absolutely think it would be a good
read, but wow, I would probably so over judged that I could never ever show my blogging avatar face
I don't want to write about tea, I don't want to write about food, I don't want to constantly write
about my kids, (although I do love writing about them from time to time) but come on lets admit it,
a lot of moms write about their kids, how much kid info can we absorb???
I wish I traveled the world, could write about exciting places and events that occur all around the
world!!! But to tell you the truth, its fun doing that, I mean the traveling part, going to the exciting
parties around the world, but for the mom sitting at home reading it.... come on it reminds her that
she can't afford to do those things!
I don't know what my main specialty will be about when it comes to my blogging, but I do promise
it won't be boring!!! Don't get me wrong and go off on me saying anything about moms writing about their children, or tea, or food, but I am just saying its been done, and by some very awesome writers, they have done a great job with those blogs, and I could not even begin to be able to match them, mine would just come off as boring:( I totally love those blogs, follow those blogs, read those blogs daily, I am not throwing off on anyone's blog, just my own ability, my ability to find something interesting to write about, and the fact that I could not pull of those blogs with the amazing funny, creative writing that the other moms do!!!
I want to find the one thing that binds all of us together as women,not just moms, not just wives, but
women. Is it that hard for me to find an identity that is all mine, as a woman, not a mommy, wife, or
even daughter. I want to know what interests you as a woman, what would you love to do that's just
solely for you, something self indulgent, something adventurous, something that you would want to
load up a car load of girlfriends leave the kids and hubby and life for that matter behind for a weekend
of nothing but you?????
I want to create a circle of women that think for themselves, that create ways of helping others in need, and
we just do it, creating a powerful band of women that got together one day and decided they were smart enough
to change things. Women that instead of just talking about the change that needs to take place in our country,
doing something about it. Finding ways of providing that home for that homeless woman and her children.
That help a family that has a sick child to raise funds to help them with their bills, if we have to be the fund raisers
ourselves for a family that we don't even know, I think at the end of the day we would find ourselves so happy
with ourselves, for the 1st time in a lot of our lives we could really shine from the inside out:)
That's what kind of blog I want, recording the events of the day, not my family tidbits but the woman
that was living in a homeless shelter, how we helped her find clothing, and prepare for a job interview, and
how we found her a place to live, supplied her with what she needed to get her feet back on the ground.
How would you feel at the end of a day where you could write a blog like that??????
I don't know about you, but I would feel accomplished, I would feel worthy of that vacation with the girls only,
it would be well deserved, because we will set around on that cruise deciding what family needed our help next!!
and mapping out the plan to do just that, one family at a time, one child taken out of poverty's grip each day,
and nights where we lay our heads down on our beds and fall immediately asleep, worries no longer keeping
us up, because we know of a family that is sleeping in beds instead of car, and they have their bellies full.
That's why we are going to be able to sleep so soundly ourselves.
If you would like to be a part of a blog like that, a woman's group like that, comment, let me know, tell me your
idea's, lets do something good before we die, life is short, we need to live everyday as much as we can, in the blink
of an eye its over, and what have we accomplished??
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